Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Some time ago, SteveR paid me a visit. It was shortly after all that fuss with Vidcund Curious. He said he didn't know anyone else he could turn to and as I know everything that goes on in the neighbourhood, I may be able to help him.
He opened his heart to me.


Blogger Mr Peacock said...

Hello Cerebral

I like the hair cut is it new? why are you pointing 2 fingers up at me?

12:46 am  
Blogger cerebral pig said...

I was trying to explain the alien method of reproduction to you SteveR. I think that was a good representation of a face hugger I did there with my hands. Don't you?

Don't be a stranger now will you SteveR. You and little Colin are welcome at the sty anytime. ;)

5:53 pm  

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